Queens Of The Stone Age Chalice & Skull Shirt
Queens Of The Stone Age Chalice & Skull Shirt
#Teeextra Fashion LLC Keep your seed Keyword in your Title: Now give a great Title about your service and definitely use your seed keyword in your Title. For example, our seed keyword was “Video Ediitng” for the Queens Of The Stone Age Chalice & Skull Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this video editing gig so you can write a title like that: “I will do professional video editing” 3) Keep your seed Keyword in your Description: Write a full description about your service. Provide all information in details that you will do for your clients and within this description cleverly put your seed Keyword. You can put Keyword 2 or 3 times, but not more than 3 times. My suggestion is 1 or 2 times is good enough. 4) Tag: This is the important part. You need to find out best 5 keyword for your service. This is the 5 keyword that will people search for and your gig will arrive with this keyword so be serious about it and do more research on the market. As an example of some great tags of Video Editing service is: Video Editing, Video Edit, Clip, Movie, Editor. 1) Review: Reviews are like a gold for your gig. When you get orders, do your best and deliver great work to get 5 star reviews because more 5 star reviews you have, more rank you will get.Bookmark: Your gig has a button to bookmark with love symbol.

Buy this shirt: Queens Of The Stone Age Chalice & Skull Shirt
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